Thursday, February 07, 2008

As of Thursday, Feb 7 with 99% of California Precincts reporting, nearly twice as many Democrats voted in this Primary than did the Republicans. That is a significant number and reveals an energized electorate. I believe we are motivated by the events in politics over the last 7 years. Namely, it is the extreme displeasure of the electorate with the incompetent Bush administration and his corrupt cronyism. “Heck of a job, Brownie.” Bush said yesterday that he is praying for the victims of the deadly tornadoes in the South. And that he is sending FEMA down there to help out. I imagine they should be seeing them arrive there sometime early next year. Maybe he can give them a tax cut, too. That should help out a lot with all the loss of life and property.

Clinton 2,107,758
Obama 1,717,681

total 4,059,713

McCain 975,363
Rominey 790,515
Huckabee 268,622
Others 290,163
total 2,324,663

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