The other thing is to get outta town like Fresnans have been doing for hundreds of years. I have an old Fresno Morning Republican newspaper from 1919 and it mentions some of the more upscale Fresnans and their annual treks to the Central Coast and Bay Area. We like to go to Dinkey Creek because it's so close and yet it is about 6,000 feet elevation and it's much cooler up there. It's one of the more affordable destinations, but you better have a good car to make it up that steep grade from the valley floor. But, once there the creek is pleasant and cool.
Today I will be blowing up my pool and sitting in it for a while when the heat of the day begins to choke off my happy rhyme. Also, if we loose power, as long as I've got a pool to get into I can make it through the day. Long after the sun goes down it will cool off enough to enjoy life again.
The County of Fresno has some very cool tips on staying cool in our summer heat:
And...The City of Fresno has some info on the Cooling Centers here at their website:
And...current weather conditions and forcasts:
August 9 2012:
The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued an Excessive Heat Watch effective this week from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening for the San Joaquin Valley. NWS forecasts that the heat index will be greater than 105ยบ degrees Fahrenheit in the Central Valley.
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